Monday, November 22, 2010

The World Wide Web and the Monsters in my Head

So, it’s 3:30 in the morning here and I seem to have redeveloped a slight case of insomnia. I’m exhausted, I know I am, but I can’t sleep because I feel like being fakely poetic in the midnight tide (see?!). The problem is I don’t know what on earth to say; there are monsters knocking around in the attic of my brain but so far I’ve been unsuccessful at either inviting them down for tea or shutting them up with a broom handle against the ceiling. So I’m left to wander and toss aimlessly while my mind monsters have a wild rumpus all on their own. I apologize for what is shaping up to be a rambling, meaningless post but you won’t mind if it helps me get to sleep right? Right? Thought not.
Something that’s bothered me recently (although it really shouldn’t have been as shocking as it was) is how utterly mean the internet has become. Kids are literally killing each other through and because of the medium; otherwise rational adults, made the brave coward through anonymity, become psychopathic, hateful people; the sincere and honest are pressured to be constantly cutting to others in a weak attempt at being “witty.” It’s upsetting! I believe that the internet is a beautiful, wonderful, informative creation that involves more than a little bit of magic and to see it being turned to such malicious purposes is heartbreaking. I feel as if I’m witnessing The Lord of the Flies come to life. If the chance of repercussions and punishments are taken away, is this what we become? Is it true that we are nothing more than wolves to our fellow man, barely held in check by society, laws and government? I hate to think so, I never have before, but things like “flash mobs” and “flaming” make me wonder and they also make me frightened.
Be kind to each other. Life’s too short for things to be otherwise. Yes I know that Lindsey Lohan is a hot mess and Kirstie Alley has gained weight yet again but they’re also people, just as we all are. If you can’t stand someone, take yourself away from situations where you have to deal with him/her; don’t spew snark online. The internet gives us the most incredible opportunity to connect with people worldwide, from Arkansas to Antarctica. Do we really want to waste it with hate?

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